All Navarrese vocational training students who carry out internships in companies will be registered with Social Security


All Navarrese Vocational Training students who carry out internships in companies from January 1, 2024 will be registered with Social Security.

The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports will finance the entire cost.

The Provincial Government has informed the economic and social agents that make up this work body that in 2024 the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports will assume 100% of the financial cost of the contributions of vocational training students who carry out their internships in companies. “This is a great social advance,” said Carlos Gimeno, “which reinforces the coverage of students in this facet of their training and increases Social Security coverage for new groups that are not workers.” The Department of Education of the Government of Navarra will assume all the management processes derived from this legal requirement and has offered the vocational training centers the automated tools that it is finalizing to manage the registrations and withdrawals of these students.

During the meeting, the new general director Luis Calatayud informed the members of the Council of the development of the work that the Department has promoted to update the FP curricula. There are a total of 120 degrees whose curricular adaptation to the new organization of the VET system is being coordinated by 150 vocational training teaching professionals in a very advanced process that is expected to be completed by the month of May 2024. It is an adaptation of training cycles to the new criteria of digitalization, sustainability, employability and training in the English language, in a framework in which a new regional order for admission and evaluation has been announced.

The members of the Navarrese Vocational Training Council have learned that in terms of training for the accredited use of skills, a total of 255 actions are planned to be carried out in this second half of 2023 with more than 32,140 training hours aimed at 3,600 people in 79 different certifications. 23 of the 26 existing FP families. Already in the first semester, 211 actions were deployed in this area for a total of 3,165 people. In this area, the counselor has highlighted the collaboration of concerted training centers and private centers through their participation in the calls promoted by the Department, which now also include non-profit organizations and, for the first time, entities. private training.

For her part, Minister Maeztu has highlighted the determined vocation of the entire Provincial Government for the extension and improvement of training for employment from its different departments and has influenced the efforts to respond to the need of companies to have the professional qualifications demanded by the market.