Dual university degrees in Euskadi for the 2019-2020 academic year

The recent implementation of the University-Enterprise Strategy by the Basque Government has made it possible to define for the first time the characteristics of the Dual Studies in Euskadi. The subsequent evaluation was carried out by Unibasq, as the competent agency for evaluation, accreditation and quality certification in the field of the Basque University System.
After the announcement of the University-Business Strategy, Unibasq held an open call to the different universities, with the aim of requesting such Dual accreditation for those university degrees that considered it. After completing the evaluation process, finally the next university course 2019-2020 Euskadi will have dozens of degrees with Dual mention.
It is a call for Dual recognition of the State, and is aligned with the main European policies at the university level.
The evaluation protocol, prepared by the Advisory Commission of Unibasq, defines the requirements necessary for the degree or itinerary in Degree or Master to have the Dual mention. Among them:
  • Minimum number of credits of practical training in collaboration with the company or external entity (25-50% of credits in Degrees, 40% of the credits in the Masters).
  • That such collaboration includes the final degree project or master’s degree.
  • Require a follow-up through a mixed academic committee that ensures consistency with the objectives and competences of the degree.
  • Commitment on the part of the company to finance the training by means of the remuneration to the students that realize it, as well as to guarantee the formation of tutors and tutors in the company.
University-Business Strategy
For his part, the Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu presented in 2017 before the Basque Council of Universities the new University-Enterprise Strategy of the Basque Government; A new tool at the service of society, which would act as a lever for the social and economic development of Euskadi in a European context. The University-Enterprise Strategy had to pursue two main objectives:
  • Create and transfer knowledge linking to scientific excellence and its application in the business world.
  • Build human capital with high capacities and with a component applied and adapted to the needs of the business environment.
After this announcement, in October 2017 the Governing Council of Unibasq, from the initiative of the Department of Education, agreed to approve the call for the recognition of dual training for official undergraduate and master’s degrees in the Basque University System .
From November 6 to December 7, 2017, a special call was opened for interested universities to submit the corresponding applications. In any case, universities can continue to present new dual training proposals in existing degrees through the usual follow-up and modification procedures or, in the case of new degrees, with the title verification process.

Other challenges of the University-Enterprise Strategy

In addition to promoting the first call for dual university studies, the Department of Education continues to promote a greater relationship between the academic and business world. The Business University Strategy contemplates another series of actions – some already developed – with the time horizon of the year 2022.

Among the actions to support the Basque University-Enterprise Strategy, the following stand out:
  • Implementation of the Cluster of Engineering, Science and Technology Training in Euskadi in July 2017 (Cluster 4Gune), with the aim of promoting cooperation at the level of Faculties and Schools with companies and thus meet the objectives of the Strategy Basque of Smart Specialization.
  • Start-up of the I Basque Business-University Classroom Program aligned with the RIS3 strategy (Basque Smart Specialization Strategy), aimed at students from the different levels of the universities of the Basque University System.
  • Mention of Industrial Doctorate Program; mention of the undergraduate and postgraduate degree i-dual; Integral University-FP model for undergraduate degrees.
  • Implementation of a training and apprenticeship program in companies in Europe aimed at students of university degrees with i-dual mention.