SEPIE grants 37 Erasmus + mobility letters for Vocational Training in 2019

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The Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE), an agency attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, announced yesterday the resolution of the lists of selected applications of the Training Mobility Charter Professional, corresponding to the call for proposals of the Erasmus + 2019 program of the European Union.

The approved Letters will offer their holders, organizations active in the field of the VT, the opportunity to make the request for community funds in a simpler and more agile way for the next European call in 2020, within the framework of the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus + program for mobility for students and VT staff.

This Charter demonstrates the high quality in the management of the European mobility of the institutions and the consistency of their strategic internationalization development plans. The objectives of this European action, which began in the 2015 call, are to increase the quality of mobility in Vocational Training and support the European internationalization of VET organizations in the countries participating in Erasmus +.

Until the 2018 call, in all of Europe there were a total of 749 Erasmus + Mobility VT letters.

In the 2019 call, 220 applications were submitted at European level, standing out above the rest of the Erasmus + countries: Spain, with 55 applications, followed by Italy and Germany, with 13 applications each.

Vocational training

The current labor market not only seeks people with a specific qualification or a specific level of training, but also focuses on the level of professional competence. In response to these requirements, Vocational Training facilitates a high level of employment with training that adapts to the real demand for employment.

The Erasmus + program for the Vocational Training sector increases skills with respect to employability, such as: tolerance, curiosity, trust, serenity, decision and ability to solve problems. Having an Erasmus + international mobility experience increases career prospects and employability options. Through the creation of work networks and international contacts, this European program offers the possibility of training and / or internships in organizations in Europe through mobility projects and cooperation projects for innovation and exchange of good practices.

In relation to the mobility in VT, in recent years the participation in the Erasmus + program has had an exponential growth: in 2019 more than 33 million euros have been invested for mobility and about 10,400 student and staff mobility have been awarded, with projects throughout the national geography. On the other hand, taking into account the cooperation projects for innovation and based on the data obtained this year, in 2019 about 8 million euros have been allocated for cooperation projects (Strategic Partnerships) in Vocational Training in Spain.

The substantial increase in demand by the VET centers and the increase in the duration of mobility reflect the high acceptance of mobility programs within the VET sector in our country: the number of participants has increased by 87% since 2014.

European Vocational Training Week

The European Vocational Training Week, which will take place this year from October 14 to 18 in Helsinki (Finland), a country that currently holds the presidency of the Council of the EU, is an initiative of the European Commission that has The objective is to make VT more attractive through the realization of events throughout Europe at local, regional and national levels. This celebration has been taking place since 2016, on an annual basis, in the case of an event that takes place throughout Europe and in which, during a week, a multitude of events are convened and developed simultaneously in all countries related to the promotion and visibility of Vocational Training teachings.

All information in this regard can be found at: Europea-fp.html