
A suitable environment. The student must have at home a specific and specific study area to study. No other tasks have to be done in this area. The goal is to have a certain space so that no one bothers. It is also convenient to go to the libraries because it creates a suitable environment for the study.

Planning. You have to plan a study schedule that is objective. It must not be from Monday to Friday, but must include Saturday and Sunday because there cannot be a cut-off period, although on these two days – the weekend – the same timetable does not have to apply.

Take advantage of downtime. It is also advisable to take advantage of downtime, such as when you go on the bus, because you can review, for example, the tabs or schematics and you get the memory to be more productive without making great efforts. Each subject or subject has its particularities because not all subject requires the same memory strategy. For example, the vocabulary of a language can be useful to learn through tabs, but in the case of literature it may be more difficult to follow this method.

Memorization techniques. On how to study once you already have the book or notes in front of you, there are also tips and guidelines that can be put in place and that are equally useful. The general technique is to make a pre-reading, a comprehensive reading and make schematics or synthesis. However, everything depends on each student, because each one has particular techniques such as performing two compressive readings. There are more possibilities. When a person wants to develop memory he must take a series of tools to carry out strategies for remembrance. For example, to learn the bones of the head, that each one begins with a letter can be formed with each of them a simple word, an acronym is made, which can be used to train memory. You have to work not only the memory, but the memory and attention in a combined way. Ina attentiontion can lead to memory loss. Likewise, it is advisable to work on motivation because if you do not study it may be due to a certain lack of motivation and because not enough attention is paid.

Reading aloud. Other study techniques that can be put into practice is to make readings aloud, make an outline, make sheets, underline … It’s about being active in the whole memorization process and not as if you were reading a book. If the student is active, a higher memory performance can be achieved.

Rest. It is especially important that a short break is taken from time to time. It is advisable to make a five-minute stop every hour. In the case of university or higher studies, this break can be done every two or three hours. Although there is no maximum or minimum number of recommended hours to study, the truth is that five or six hours after having been studying, performance drops.

Sleep. And, of course, don’t forget to sleep. It is recommended to be 8 hours, although this number can also vary according to people, since more or less hours may be needed to make an adequate rest.

Owls and larks. Each person has some particularities. There are “owl” students because they study better at night and “lark” students because they study better in the morning and can get up perfectly in the early hours and start studying. The important thing is to know each other well and adapt the general techniques to the trends and particularities of each hour.

The day of the exam. When the day of the exam arrives it is also advisable to implement a series of recommendations. It is advisable to do a review before being examined, but never the day before, so if the test is a Saturday it should be done on a Tuesday. On the day of the exam you have to have breakfast quietly so that no tension is created and do not drink too much coffee to avoid being blank before the test. In case there are nerves, peace of mind, because there is a solution. It is best to read the questions and start with the easiest one because that way the memory is reversed and you can recover. If you have nerves, remember that this feeling lasts about five or ten minutes and that it happens as you start reading and taking the exam, starting with that question that is easier.

What not to do. There are also some activities that should not be carried out under any circumstances. One of them is to play with the video game console or video games or perform any other activity that increases the level of emotional tension because it does not favor the study when there is a decrease in the level of concentration. It is also not ideal to study the day before the exam even if it is a widespread custom among students.