What is Dual Training?


The trajectory of Mondragon Unibertsitatea in what has come to be called dual training goes back to 1966, with the creation of ALECOP from the Polytechnic School Superior and formed in its majority by students belonging to the centers that currently integrate Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

The more than 50 years of experience of what in ALECOP has been called work-study alternation, have allowed Mondragon Unibertsitatea to develop a model of pioneering training at the level of Euskadi and Spain, emulated in other centers and districts of Euskadi.

The 2016-2017 course Mondragon Uniber-tsitatea launched the strategic project “Framework of dual university training in Mondragon Unibertsitartea” that aims to lay the foundations to strengthen, expand and extend to other areas of knowledge dual university training. With this objective, it is intended that Mondragon Unibertsitatea will become the reference university of dual university education; in number of degrees and areas of knowledge in dual modality and in the number of participating students.

In total, the percentage of students in dual modality with respect to undergraduate students is 7.6% and the percentage of students in dual modality with respect to university master’s degrees is 28%.

The practical orientation of Mondragon Unibertsitatea turns it into an entity in permanent relation with the labor world and the companies and organizations of the environment. Therefore, we attach great importance to dual training in alternation and practices and projects in companies and organizations, encouraging our students to make contact with the work reality from their years of study.

This close relationship is translated into the immediate and constant knowledge of the present and future needs and demands of the companies, which makes it possible for us to orient our training offer to them, guaranteeing a high long-term employability, and a high and rapid degree of insertion of students in the workplace.

At Mondragon Unibertsitatea we offer our group of students the option of being able to train in a professional work environment, developing technical and transversal competences of professional action while being able to participate in a professional training experience. The students can combine their studies with the professional activity through what until now was known as alternancia estudio-trabajo and that from now is framed within the new concept of dual university training in alternation:

• In companies and organizations
• In the departaments of the own University

This in addition to providing the student with a scholarship (scholarship) for the financing of their studies, it supposes a complementary training in labor competences, that is to say, a professional training experience.

In the 2018-2019 academic year Mondragon Unibertsitatea has a total of 10 undergraduate and 7 Univesitary Master’s degrees with a dual or alternate training itinerary verified and accredited. These itineraries are properly collected in their verification reports and accreditation self-reports.

Likewise, the students carry out internships in different companies and organizations, as an important complement to the training acquired in the university itself. The duration of the practices varies according to the degree. However, in all cases a direct follow-up of the development of each student is offered during the period of practice, with tutoring by both the university and the company or organization in which the student performs the internship.

In addition, the students who study at Mondragon Unibertsitatea carry out a final project of studies in a company or organization. In this way, they can put into practice the knowledge acquired throughout the degree, in addition to getting used to routines that must be assumed in their professional practice: teamwork, communication, leadership, creativity, decision-making capacity, etc. The final projects are an excellent practical complement and suppose the culmination of the studies of both degree and master. The duration of the project can be one year -mainly in the case of degree programs- or approximately one semester. All projects are supervised by the university and the company or organization.